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Announcing ember-cli-typescript v2.0

Now built with Babel, better build errors, and a docs site!

March 13, 2019Filed under Tech#emberjs#open-source software#typescriptMarkdown source

Assumed Audience: People interested in Ember and TypeScript.

I’m pleased to announce that the unofficial Ember TypeScript team (Dan Freeman, Derek Wickern, James Davis, and Mike North, and I) have just published ember-cli-typescript v2.0.0!

Check out the upgrade instructions to get started with the new version!

What’s new?

There are just two changes, but they’re a big deal!

  1. The addon now uses Babel 7’s TypeScript support to actually build your TypeScript, while continuing to use TypeScript itself to type-check your app. We added some fancy new build errors to go with that, too! This means your builds will be much faster and that tools like ember-auto-import will Just Work™ with TypeScript apps and addons now. (There are a few caveats that come with this, so please see the release notes!)

  2. We added a documentation site! You can check out the documentation at Previously, the README was over 6,000 words long… and growing. Now, the README just has the basic stuff you need to get started, and documentation lives in… the docs! Thanks to the ember-cli-addon-docs crew for making it so easy to build such a nice documentation site!

We covered the Babel 7 changes in detail two earlier blog posts:

Happily, nothing has changed in the implementation since the beta or RC releases except fixing some bugs!

For my part, thanks to Dan Freeman, who did the lion’s share of the work to get us working with Babel 7!

On behalf of the whole unofficial Ember TypeScript team, thanks to everyone who tested this before we released, identified gaps in the docs (not to mention catching errors and typos there!), and provided feedback along the way. There’s more good stuff coming in the months ahead!