Enjoy your stay; watch out for typographical nerdery.
Hello! I’m Chris Krycho (thus the URL).

A few things about me you might find interesting:
I’m a Christian: catholic, Reformed, and Presbyterian.
I’m the happy husband of Jaimie Krycho.
I’m the delighted dad of two little girls, Ellie and Kate.
We live in Colorado.
I write software for a living—these days mostly TypeScript (with a nice smattering of HTML and SCSS, and now even some CSS Modules!) in a large Ember.js app. I also sometimes dip my toes into the C♯ and F♯ codebases at work, and I do an awful lot of Rust related things on the side, including some WebAssembly! Past work has included Fortran, C, PHP, C++, Python, and JavaScript.
I also maintain several open source projects, most importantly:
ember-cli-typescript – use TypeScript in your Ember.js 2.x apps!
True Myth – a library for safer programming in JavaScript, with first-class support for TypeScript. (
types and helpers!)
I host podcasts!
Winning Slowly: a show I cohost with Stephen Carradini, taking the long view on technology, religion, ethics, and art—or, as I sometimes describe it to people, “everything humans do”
New Rustacean: a show about the Rust programming language and the people using it
Mass Affection: a show about Mass Effect which I cohost with my wife Jaimie (because we’re nerds!)
I write extensively here about technology, art, and faith.
I also sometimes also write at Mere Orthodoxy.
I run—a lot! I try to do at least one half marathon every year. I also cycle a fair bit and sometimes even swim, with the occasional triathlon tossed in.
Every once in a long while, I also compose new music.
If you’re interested in the specific details of what I’m up to at any given moment, you can check out my Now page, which I keep fairly up-to-date.
Feel free to email me if you have questions, thoughts, etc. about the things I write about! You can reach me at [email protected].