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True Myth 2.1.0 Released

A bunch of neat new utility functions on Maybe for arrays and tuples.

September 02, 2018Filed under Tech#functional programming#libraries#monads#open source software#software development#true myth#typescriptMarkdown source

I’ve just released True Myth 2.1.0 (source, docs), which includes a handful of new utility functions for use with the Maybe types and arrays or tuples. Note that to make use of these you’ll need to be on at least TypeScript 3.0: they take advantage of the some of the shiny new features in the type system!

Edit: and, five minutes later, versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are out with bugfixes consisting of “I forgot to export two functions. Now they’re exported.” Because that’s how this always works, right?

Here’s what’s new:

  • Maybe.find: for those times when you want to do Array.prototype.find and would love to not have to wrap up the result with a Maybe explicitly every time. As with most functions in True Myth, it’s curried so you can easily use it in a functional programming style.

    import Maybe from 'true-myth/maybe';
    let foundRegular = Maybe.find(n => n > 1, [1, 2, 3]);
    console.log(foundRegular.toString());  // Just(2)
    let notFound = Maybe.find(n = n < 1, [1, 2, 3]);
    console.log(notFound.toString());  // Nothing
    let findAtLeast5 = Maybe.find((n: number) => n > 5);
    let foundCurried = findAtLeastFive([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
    console.log(foundCurried.toString());  // Just(6)
  • Maybe.head (aliased as Maybe.first): for getting the first item of an array safely. Like lodash’s _.head (or someArray[0]) but it returns a Maybe instead of possibly giving you back undefined.

    import Maybe from 'true-myth/maybe';
    let empty = Maybe.head([]);
    console.log(empty.toString());  // Nothing
    let hasItems = Maybe.head([1, 2, 3]);
    console.log(hasItems.toString());  // Just(1)
  • Maybe.last: the same as Maybe.head, but for getting the last element in an array.

    import Maybe from 'true-myth/maybe';
    let empty = Maybe.last([]);
    console.log(empty.toString());  // Nothing
    let hasItems = Maybe.last([1, 2, 3]);
    console.log(hasItems.toString());  // Just(3)
  • Maybe.all: for converting an array of Maybes to a Maybe of an array. If you have an array whose contents are all Maybes, it’s sometimes useful to be able to flip that around so that if all of the items are Justs, you get back a single Just wrapping the array of the values which were wrapped in all the Justs in the array, but if any were Nothing, the whole thing is a single Nothing. This works for both heterogeneous and homogenous arrays, which is pretty cool. A code sample will make this a lot clearer:

    import Maybe, { just, nothing } from 'true-myth/maybe';
    let includesNothing = Maybe.all(just(2), nothing<string>());
    console.log(includesNothing.toString());  // Nothing
    let allJusts = Maybe.all(just(2), just('hi'), just([42]));
    console.log(allJusts.toString());  // Just([2, 'hi', [42]]);

    The resulting type of both includesNothing and allJusts here is Maybe<Array<string | number | Array<number>>>.

  • Maybe.tuple: just like Maybe.all except it works in tuples (preserving their types’ order) for up to five-item tuples. (As the docs I wrote say: if you’re doing a larger tuple than that I don’t want to know what you’re doing but I won’t help with it!)

    import Maybe, { just, nothing } from 'true-myth/maybe';
    type Tuple = [Maybe<number>, Maybe<string>, Maybe<number[]>];
    let withNothing: Tuple = [just(2), nothing(), just([42])];
    let withNothingResult = Maybe.tuple(withNothing);
    console.log(withNothingResult.toString());  // Nothing
    let allJusts: Tuple = [just(2), just('hi'), just([42])];
    let allJustsResult = Maybe.tuple(allJusts);
    console.log(allJustsResult.toString());  // Just([2, "hi", [42]])

    These have the same output (i.e. the same underlying representation) as the array output, but a different type. The resulting type of both includesNothing and allJusts here is Maybe<[number, string, Array<number>]>.

Once TypeScript 3.1 is out, I should be able to collapse these into a single all, and tuple will just become an alias for it.