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Functions, Objects, and Destructuring in JavaScript

On functions in JS and some fun bits in ES2015 in particular

March 27, 2017Filed under tech#javascriptMarkdown source

A colleague just getting his feet wet with JavaScript, and coming from a background with much more C# than JavaScript, sent me a question on Slack the other day, and I realized the answer I’d written up was more generally helpful, so here you go!

I’m including the context of original question because I want to call out something really important: there are no dumb questions. When you’re just coming up to speed on any technology, stuff is going to be confusing. That goes double when making the jump as far as between something like C# and something like modern JS.

Hey this may be a really dumb question

but I’m a JavaScript n00b, and I have no idea what’s going on here

I’m not used to this syntax

I have this program:

function ab() {
   function fa() { console.log("A"); };
   function fb() { console.log("B"); };
   return {fa, fb};

let {fa, fb} = ab();


and it outputs


(as expected)

What I don’t understand is the syntax for the let part (or maybe even the return from ab())

  1. What is ab() actually returning? An object with 2 function pointers?

  2. What can’t I do a let {a, b} = ab() and then call a() and b()? I get syntax errors that a and b aren’t defined

edit to show code that doesn’t work (definition of ab() remains the same):

let {a, b} = ab();

a(); // will throw an error here

I don’t understand why the names for fa and fb have to be the same across all scopes/closures (? am I using those terms correctly? JavaScript is an odd dance partner at times)

First, your (A) is basically correct, but the phrase “function pointers” is one you should banish from your mind entirely in this context. In JavaScript, functions are just items like any other. From the language’s perspective, there’s no difference between these things other than what you can do with them:

let foo = "a string";
function quux(blah) { console.log("blah is " + blah); }
let bar = quux;

Both foo and bar are just variables. (quux is a variable, too, but it behaves a little differently; I’ll cover that in a minute.) They have different types, and therefore different things you can do on them. foo has the length property and a bunch of string-specific methods attached. bar is callable. But both of them are just things in the same way, and at the same level in the program.

So in your original function ab() { ... }, what you’re doing is declaring two functions, fa and fb, and returning them attached to an object.

For various reasons which aren’t especially interesting, functions can have names

function fa() { ... }

…and can be assigned to other variables

let trulyISayToYou = function waffles() { console.log("are so tasty"); };

…and in fact you can define the functions themselves anonymously, that is, without any name attached to the function declaration itself: combine those:

let lookMa = function() { console.log("no function name!"); };

Doing function ab() { ... } simultaneously declares the function and hoists it, that is, it makes it available in that entire scope, regardless of where it is defined. So you can do this, even though it’s kind of insane most of the time and you shouldn’t:

function quux() { console.log('SRSLY?'); }

Now, about returning fa and fb from the function.

First, note that you normally define objects in a long form, like so:

let someObject = {
  a: true,
  b: 'some string'

console.log(someObject.a);  // prints true
console.log(someObject.b);  // prints "some string"

However, very, very often, you find yourself doing something like this:

// do some work to define what `a` and `b` should be, then...
let someObject = {
  a: a,
  b: b

Because this is such a common pattern, the 2015 version of JS introduced a “shorthand,” which lets you just write that last assignment like this:

let someObject = {

And of course, for convenience we often write that on one line:

let someObject = { a, b };

Then you can combine that with the fact that you declared two items (functions, but again: that really doesn’t matter, they could be anything) with the names fa and fb, and what you’re doing is returning an object containing those two items in it: return {fa, fb} is equivalent to this:

let theFunctions = {
  fa: fa,
  fb: fb, 
return theFunctions;

What about the let assignment?

JS has three kinds of name bindings: var, let, and const. var bindings act like function: the names you use get “hoisted”. So:

console.log(neverDefined);  // throws an error
console.log(definedLater);  // prints undefined
var definedLater = "what";
console.log(definedLater);  // prints "what"

let and const behave much more like you’d expect: they’re only valid after they’re defined, and they’re scoped to the blocks they appear in. (var will escape things like if blocks, too. It’s crazy-pants.) The difference between let and const is that they create mutable or immutable bindings to a name.

So let a = true; is just creating a name, a, and binding the value true to it. Likewise, with const b = false; it’s creating a name, b, and binding the value false to it. And those won’t be hosted. Now, having done let a = true; we could on the next line write a = false; and that’s fine: let bindings are mutable; they can change. We’ll get an error if we try to do b = true; though, because const bindings are not mutable.

One thing to beware of with that: things like objects and arrays, being reference types, are not themselves created as immutable when you use const. Rather, the specific instance is immutably bound to the name. So:

const foo = { a: true };
foo.b = 'I can add properties!';  // okay
delete foo.a;  // okay
foo = { c: "assign a new object" };  // will error

You can change the internals of the item bound to the name, but not assign a new item to the name. For value types (numbers, booleans, etc.), that makes them behave like constants in other languages. You have to use something like Object.freeze to get actually constant object types.

That was a long digression to explain what you’re seeing in a general sense with let.

Finally, let’s come back around and talk about that assignment and why you need the names fa and fb.

As noted, ab() returns an object with two items attached, fa and fb. (And again: functions are just items in JS.) So you could also write that like this:

let theFunctions = ab();  // theFunctions is now the object returned
theFunctions.fa();  // and it has the `fa` item on it
theFunctions.fb();  // and the `fb` item, too

Of course, if your original ab() function had returned other properties, they’d be accessible there, too, in just the same way (though they wouldn’t be callable if they weren’t functions).

Again, this is a super common pattern: you want to immediately do something with the values returned on an object by some function, and you don’t necessarily want to type out the name of the object every time. So ES2015 introduced destructuring to help with this problem. I’ll do it without the function in the way to show how it works at the simplest level first.

let someObject = {
  foo: 'what is a foo anyway',
  bar: 'hey, a place to drink *or* a thing to hit people with',
  quux: 'is this like a duck'

console.log(;  // etc.

Now, if we wanted to get at foo, bar, and quux, we could always do that with someObject.quux and so on. But, especially if we have some large object floating around, we often just want a couple properties from it—say, in this case, foo and quux. We could do that like this:

let foo =;
let quux = someObject.quux;

And of course those new names don’t have to match:

let whatever =;
let weLike = someObject.quux;

However, because wanting to snag just a couple items off of objects like this is so common, the shorthand is available. In the case of the shorthand for destructuring, just like the case of the shorthand for object creation, the names have to match: otherwise, it wouldn’t know what to match them with.

let { foo, quux } = someObject;

So, going back to your original example: ab() returns an object which has the items fa and fb on it. You’re using the destructuring assignment there to get just fa and fb. There’s no reason they have to be those names in the outer scope, other than that you’re using the destructuring assignment. You could also do this:

let theFunctions = ab();
let oneOfThem = theFunctions.fa;
let theOtherOne = theFunctions.fb;
oneOfThem();  // does what fa() does
theOtherOne();  // does what fb() does

I think that covers everything your questions brought up; but please feel free to ask more!

The most important thing to take away is that even though yes, those are pointers to functions under the hood, in JS that’s absolutely no different than the fact that there are pointers to objects and arrays under the hood. Functions are just more items you can do things with. You can put them on objects, you can return them directly, you can take them as arguments, etc.

Hopefully that’s helpful!

Bonus content: in ES2015 and later, you can also define anonymous functions like this:

let someFunction = (someArg) => { console.log(someArg); };

This has some interesting side effects about the value of this in the body of the function you declare… but that’s for another time.