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Learning QML, Part 1

April 11, 2014Filed under tech#software developmentMarkdown source

For part of my work with Quest Consultants, I’ve been picking up Qt’s QML toolkit to use in building out the UI. The declarative syntax and ability to define one’s own model in non-C++- or Python-specific ways is quite nice. That said, the learning process has had more than a few bumps along the way. I decided to go ahead and write those up as I go, both for my own reference and in the hope that it may prove useful to others as I go.

QML is a Javascript-like language for declarative programming of a user interface. So it’s a Javascript-based language that sort of behaves like HTML. In fact, it behaves like Javascript in terms of how you define, access, and update properties, and you can embed full-featured (mostly) Javascript functions and objects in it.

But when you have nested QML Types, you end up with them behaving more like HTML.

The weirdest bit, and the thing that I’m having the hardest time adjusting to, is that you can only edit properties of root Types when you’re working with an instance of that Type. And those Types are defined by documents.

So, to give the simplest possible example, let’s say I defined a new type called Monkey, in the Monkey.qml file, like this:

// Monkey.qml
import QtQuick 1.1

Item {
    id: monkey_root
    property int monkey_id: -1
    property string monkey_name: "I don't have a name!"

    Item {
        id: monkey_foot
        property string monkey_foot_desc: "The monkey has a foot!"

I can use that in another file. If they’re in the same directory, it’s automatically imported, so I can just do something like this:

import QtQuick 1.1

// Rectangle is exactly what it sounds like. Here we can display things.
Rectangle {
    id: the_basic_shape
    height: 400
    width: 400
    color: green

    Monkey {
        id: monkey_instance
        monkey_id = 42
        monkey_name = "George"  // he's kind of a curious little guy

    Text {
        text: monkey_instance.monkey_name
        color: "red"

That creates a (really ugly) rectangle that prints the Monkey’s name in red text on a green background. It’s impossible to access directly the monkey_foot element, though, which means that composing more complex objects in reusable ways is difficult. In fact, I haven’t come up with a particularly good way to do it yet. At least, I should say that I haven’t come up with a good way to create high-level reusable components yet. I can see pretty easily how to create low-level reusable components, but once you start putting them together in any specific way, you can’t recompose them in other ways.

From what I’ve gotten my head around so far, this ends up being less flexible than either HTML templating languages (which are, or at least can be, completely declarative) or normal Javascript (which is obviously not declarative). Mind you, it’s all sorts of interesting, and I have a pretty decent idea what I’m going to do to implement our UI with it, but it’s taken me most of the day to get a good handle on that, and my head still feels a bit funny whenever I’m trying to see how best to create composable components.

Note, too, that this is the only way to create a new basic type of object in QML: it has to be the root level object in a QML document. I would really like to be able to access internal declarations—to have named internal types/objects. Unfortunately, QML doesn’t let you do this. I suspect this has to do with how the QML type system works: it actually binds these types to C++ objects behind the scenes. This is a non-trivially helpful decision in terms of the performance of the application, but it certainly makes my brain a little bit twitchy.

There are two basic consequences of this structure. First, any types you need to be able to use in other QML objects have to be defined in their own QML documents. Second, it is (as near as I can see so far, at least) difficult to create good generic QML types of more complex structures that you can then use to implement specific variations. For example: if you want to create accordions, you can create a fair number of the low-level elements in generic ways that you can reuse, but once you get to the relationships between the actual model, delegate, and view elements, you will need to create them in custom forms for each distinct approach.

This is more like creating HTML documents than Javascript, which makes sense, if you remember that QML is Javascript-based but declarative. You just have to remember that while you can define some reusable components, the full-fledged elements are like full HTML pages with a templating system: you can include elements, but not override their internal contents. In QML, you can override some of their contents, which is nice—but that is not the primary way to go about it.