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Exploring 4 Languages

Rust, Elm, Reason, and F – a bunch of cousins!

December 31, 2017Filed under tech#domain-driven design#elm#four-languages#fsharp#functional programming#reasonml#rustMarkdown source

Exploring 4 Languages: Project Setup

Getting Rust, Elm, F, and ReasonML installed; their editor plugins configured; and their project files ready.

January 01, 2018Filed under Tech#domain-driven design#elm#four-languages#fsharp#functional programming#reasonml#rustMarkdown source

Exploring 4 Languages: Starting to Model the Domain

How we use types to capture business concepts in Rust, Elm, F, and ReasonML.

January 14, 2018Filed under Tech#domain-driven design#elm#four-languages#fsharp#functional programming#reasonml#rustMarkdown source

Exploring 4 Languages: Integrity and Consistency

Making, and keeping, promises – with Rust, Elm, F, and ReasonML.

March 24, 2018Filed under Tech#domain-driven design#elm#four-languages#fsharp#functional programming#reasonml#rustMarkdown source

User Interfaces are API Boundaries

Applying domain-driven design ideas to UI implementation.

September 12, 2019Filed under Tech#domain-driven design#software architecture#software development#uiMarkdown source